This post is for Jody... Well, I'm sure you've all heard of the Trojan Horse. At Troy they have built a replica of what the legendary horse might have looked like. It stands about 35-40 feet tall and is mounted near an interpretive center in a public courtyard at the Troy site. When you park your car and go through the turnstiles at the ticket booth, it is the first thing you see.
All over Turkey, there are stray cats and dogs. I expected to see the cats, but not the dogs. They are everywhere. Even at Troy. Here at Troy, I saw a German Shepherd and an Aussie Shepherd that both seemed to be the resident dogs. They snack on tourist leftovers and add charm to the landscape. They hang out at the base of the Trojan Horse model and lounge around waiting for handouts.

Well, the Aussie must be a male, and the German a female, because there were about nine little six-week-old puppies bopping about to entertain us. Everyone had their cameras out taking pictures of the puppies - not the ruins of Troy, or the Trojan Horse - the puppies!

The momma looked like she had had several litters and she was no dummy. When she wanted a rest, she got up on the platform that the Trojan Horse was mounted on and plopped herself down for a snooze where her puppies couldn't quite reach!
Thanks for the puppy photos. They are sure good looking! Jody